Friday, April 9, 2010

Dada in my life for a night

and what I really mean is: DADA Life, from Sweden. And like the saying goes: "All good things come from Sweden." Last Saturday was officially my last night on my own 'vacation.' Matthew was away for an ENTIRE week so that meant.. my very own staycation in San Diego. Upon reflection, it really was a weekend of DJs'! Thursday night was Drop the Lime and Saturday night was DADA Life. Not that my weekend revolved around them.. just that I was surrounded by my crazy, fierce friends and great music. Best combo ever.. dance! dance! dance! (insert fist pumps)

The one thing that stood out that night was bananas. In the literal term.. champagne and bananas! From the mouth of DADA Life DJ Olle himself, "It's on our rider. Champagne and bananas. Or else, we don't play." Don't you just love a man who speaks with authority? Yes and please. Needless to say.. we danced the night away DADA Life style.. after-partied in North PB at "Baby's" house, chatted it up.. and ended up crashing at my bfff Tarin's air mattress. And guess what I had to do the very next day? Eat some yummy crab at Crab Hut for my dad's birthday. Although a bit hungover, I was still able to enjoy the meal and greet my wonderful father a very happy 59th birthday.

(Olle is the one on the right)

Friday Funday

I loved today. It was just like any other ordinary day but today was different. As always, I woke up at 4am, hot.. then cold again. then hot.. then cold again. The cycle begins of sleeplessness. I fight this everyday.. sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. Today was not one of this mornings. I slept for a couple more hours and ever so often wake up- see my kitty Lux at my feet and my most handsome boyfriend lying next to me and I smile. I love my life and I am so content at that very moment.. it's really what I live for everyday. So I will tell you my most perfect morning.
I wake up, turn to my side and put my arm around Matthew. I kiss him good morning and take the biggest whiff of pheromones that I can get from him. He's still sleeping but it's 'wake-up' time. Snuggle here.. snuggle there. Inappropriate touching in between. Now we are both awake. I ask him if it's coffee time and he says yes. This is the time that I start being the busy little bee I just love to be. Get up.. wash dishes.. boil water.. prepare the coffee to steep. What should we have for breakfast? I decide on Matthew's favorite (English) breakfast. Beans, toast, and eggs. My secret to great beans? Fry up some bacon ahead of time until they are crisp. Add crumbled bacon to the beans right before serving. Another little secret? Brown sugar. Yumm! We have breakfast and it is just delicious! I don't have any toast, however, because I'm currently trying to cut down on carbs. Sad story. But bikini season IS coming soon! If not already here in Sunny Diego! So after breakfast, Matthew had the most fabulous suggestion:
Matt: Do you want to do something today?
Me: Yes!
Matt: Let's go to Cabrillo today. It's a nice day out and I've never been before.
So off we went to Cabrillo National Monument. We got there and took the scenic drive down to the cliffs. Vantage points galore.. surrounded by tide pools! There were plenty of snails, barnacles, and California mussels to see. All that paired along with the beautiful sun gracing us with her warmth and light-- I was in heaven. 
After we left we stopped by Kragen to pick up some brake lights that ironically both of our cars needed. Left brake light. We get home.. and we fix our brake lights and I start making us lunch. I had some pork chops in the fridge so I made pan-grilled pork chops with roasted vegetables. For an appetizer, I made garlic-jalapeno cheese bread. We only had one pepperoni left so only one of the breads had the yummy pepperoni on it. It was like a mini pizza!

Okay. I'm sorry if I bored you to death. But this is what makes my life worthwhile. The love of my life, my furry best friend Lux, and good food.
(this photos was not taken today but taken in Flagstaff.)
Oh.. and duh! My crazy friends! Hell-oooooh?! Can't forget those lovelies. 

Bag of feathers to the head....

So April 3 was International Pillow Fight Day this year. Don't be fooled, this IS a real event! And since the advent of social media outlets.. this event has grown exponentially. If you are interested in having your city participate next year, go to IPFD's website and sign up to help organize the event!

A friend of mine, Jason Kirk (also a fellow Capricorn,) helped film correspondence for a series called "Attack of the Show" on G4 TV for the event held here in San Diego. Now check out his reporting chops... hehehehhe

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Visceral: Word of the Day

Pronunciation: \ˈvi-sə-rəl, ˈvis-rəl\
Function: adjective
Date: 1575
1 : felt in or as if in the viscera : deep
2 : not intellectual :
instinctive, unreasoning
3 : dealing with crude or elemental emotions : earthy
4 : of, relating to, or located on or among the viscera :
vis·cer·al·ly  \-rə-lē\ adverb

How sexy is this word?! EXTREMELY. 

Now.. a great advertisement for your viewing pleasure.

Tiny Desk.. Big Sound

Gods bless NPR. They are always surprising me every week with some eye-opening.. soul-awakening.. laughter inducing.. CONTENT. I posted a Zee Avi Tiny Desk Concert video at the early beginnings of this blog. And today, I am posting a video by Wye Oak, a Baltimore duo that consists of Jenn Wasner and Andy Stack, that made my morning today just delightful. I blame the little hippie in me. Blame her. Blame her for introducing you to music you'd otherwise miss! There's just something about the sound of acoustic guitars.. matched with such an intriguing voice.. gives me chills and takes me back to my high school days when I worshipped Sarah McLachlan. (I Blame that little hippie!)

the floor will all cave in at ten o'clock
my tired body to absorb the shock
years of decay will make a mess of me
these rotted floor boards arch below my feet

the flood will take us when we're in our sleep
this city swallowed by the oceans deep
the ice will melt and then the seas will swell
but this is not a thing on which to dwell

there is nothing to regret

Go here to check out all the other Tiny Desk Concert vids.. maybe you can find your own little sunshine today, too!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Look

So.. I re-did the header to this very here blog today. I personally designed the typeface that reads 'KitKat'.. and I used the font: Swenson from DaFont for the 'design' part. I like it. It's spring.. officially.. my lover is back from vacay and I am THE happiest girl on the planet. Love & kisses my little kitty-kats! xoxoxox

Monday, April 5, 2010

Animal Collective

Do you love it? I love it! This was on Thursday night at Voyeur. 'Drop the Lime' closed the night out with an aaah-mazing set.. infusing electro beats and rockabilly sounds that made every little body at V vibrate and move like futuristic daddy o's and pink ladies! Better yet, Miss Dang aka Lindsay Howard invited us (Janice and I) to dinner at the kitschy neo-Mexican eatery Super El Camino in Little Italy.. and guess who was there?! Luca Venezia aka 'Drop the Lime' himself! The night started out young.. and ended up pretty late.. or early, should I say? Getting home at 5 in the morning definitely ensures 'good times' were had. Did I add that there was a costume party? Yep. Dancing on coffee tables? Check. Like A Virgin blasting on the speakers while everyone sang along? Indeed. Pura Vida.