Friday, March 5, 2010

A wise friend once said..

"Think long, think wrong." - Ramalama

Although it was more than funny, hilarious in fact, when this was said in context last night at our girl's night dinner, it definitely stuck and made me think. What does it mean to me? Well, in a nutshell: always go with your gut feeling. So in a Russian accent, let's all say it together now:
"You think long, you think wrong!" 

It may be long.. but hey, girth is what matters, folks! (pa-dum-bum)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Like it or not.. you are not going to stop hearing about Scales. If you guys didn't know, I'm doing an entire identity package for them for my Project Study class with Michael Lynch at AIC-SD. In a previous post, I had created a Che Cafe poster but when I showed it to my professor, he wanted me to take it to the next level. Here's the final version and I LOVE it!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Choo! Choo!

Free Museum Tuesdays at Balboa Park again today with Janice. This time we checked out the the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center & Model Railroad Museum. Since I took my camera, here's our trip in pictures....
We are space travelers at the RHF Science Center Photo booth.

The Western Metal Supply Company (now part of the Padres' downtown stadium Petco Park.)

Cute little townie shot. Love it! Kinda reminds me of the Village in La Mesa. If you happen to go by that area, be sure to check out Gio's. It's a great wine bar that has a tapas style menu. Plus, there's this uber hot server named Matteo that works there. But.. back off, ladies... he's taken. muhahahhahahha!

Broken Social Scene

BSS is coming out with a new album called Forgiveness on May 4th! You can download, World Sick, a free mp3 off the new album by visiting their site here. To psyche you up for this release, here are some cool concert posters you can buy at Gig Posters.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bathroom scrawl

makes me smile. Here's one I snapped at the Tin Can Ale House's bathroom.

Howl at the Moon

Tonight's a full moon and it happens to land on the very last day of February this year, which means it's a short month.. and that rent is due tomorrow! Yowzas! Today is the last day of the Olympics and at this point in time, the closing ceremonies have already taken place. Today was also the USA vs CAN Hockey game for the gold. We decided to watch the game in downtown at the Irish pub, The Stout House. I've never been there before but I have also never seen so many Canadian fans under one roof. The crowd was literally divided in half! Surprised, I sure was! There are two stories in this bar and we ended up grabbing some seats upstairs. So.. I must ask this question- Is it proper etiquette to not stand up in the front (where the tv is at) when there is a crowd of people watching behind? I think if there is a good amount of people sitting and there is only one tv in sight that people should not stand up in the front, just for courtesy's sake. Am I right? or am I wrong? Holla at yo' girl. There were two occasions where two men did just that. Is it because they were Canadian fans? Not sure there either. ;) lol.. What was even funnier was that the people we were sitting next to made sure to police those who even attempted such a thing. Things that were being shouted in the bar:
"Crosby sucks! Crosby sucks!"
"Nickel-baaack! Nickel-baaack! Nickel-baaack.. SUCKS!"

In the end of all things, although the US fans won the etiquette test, Canada took home the gold in overtime. Here are some pics from the Stout House.

Matty P, Cory, and Matt

The crowd at overtime.